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Dumb Dragons Productions’ Diversity, Inclusion and Representation Policy


Apr. 17, 2020

This document has been adapted from the Fable and Folly Productions policies that were graciously shared with the community.


We make the following commitments to all participants who work with us: 


  • Diversity and inclusion will be considered both in casting and in assembling production and design teams. Dumb Dragons Productions believes that storytelling can open and broaden the cultural conversation. Diversity and representation are an expression of our commitment to that value. In particular, culturally specific work will seek production personnel who can speak to that cultural experience and where that isn’t possible, sensitive consultants will be engaged.

  • When invited to audition, prospective participants have the right to make inquiries about how their cultural personhood will be used within the production. Questions and comments about representation are welcome. Inquiries will receive a thoughtful response and will remain confidential.

  • Sometimes a potential participant discovers in the course of auditioning that they are uncomfortable with production elements as they relates to their personhood. Potential participants have the right to decline casting offers without fear of reprisal such as losing future opportunities. It is not the participant’s responsibility to explain why they chose to decline an offer.

  • During the rehearsal process, participants should voice concern if they feel uncomfortable with the use of their cultural personhood, which may include:

    • Content (culturally based violence or abuse, for example), which was not disclosed at the time of audition/casting;

    • Accents or dialects to underscore a cultural representation not disclosed at the time of auditions/casting;

    • Portrayals that can reasonably be described as “black face,” “brown face,” or similar portrayal, which was not disclosed at the time of audition/casting.

  • When creating content involving or about cultural violence, or other culturally charged narratives and language, we work with all artists involved to create an environment of consent and support. We believe that building consent among participants is an important part of creating an atmosphere of trust and communication. We intend to recognize the following practices when building consent among participants:

    • A consent-building conversation should specify the range of contact that is acceptable.

    • The boundaries may change over the rehearsal process, either narrowing or broadening, but any change to the boundaries should be discussed and agreed upon before the rehearsal.

    • There should be an opportunity to discuss potential boundary violations at the end of each rehearsal and recording.

    • Disclosure of this type of performance will be made at the audition, and the emotional risk associated will be recognized throughout the process.

    • We seek to address concerns with generosity and humility through the channels of the Concern Resolution Path as outlined in this document.

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